Major projects the Environment Group have been involved with recently, in co-operation with local council and other interested groups.
Salthouse Field Telephone Box
We started our cleaning of the redundant telephone box in Salthouse fields on Monday 29 March 2021. We will carry out much more cleaning and preparation before a complete repaint in the official Post Office red, towards the end of summer.
Many thanks to Clevedon Town Council for agreeing to authorise the formal adoption of this iconic K6 telephone box.
The Civic Society are working with “We Are Aware” a local charity promoting active children’s health. We hope soon to be displaying some promotional material.
Many thanks also to the many local people who have expressed their support for this project.
Project to restore the Lookout on Poets' Walk.
Project to restore and refresh the seating area at the lower end of Pier Copse.
The Environment Group have been supporting the work on the Gun Battery site at the end of Wains Hill.
Other smaller projects with which the Civic Society have been involved.